Prediction for CME (2014-01-04T21:25:00-CME-001)CME Observed Time: 2014-01-04T21:25ZiSWAS Layout URL: https://kauai.ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov/DONKI/view/CME/4325/-1 CME Shock Arrival Time: 2014-01-07T14:26Z Observed Geomagnetic Storm Parameters due to CME: ---- Predicted Arrival Time: 2014-01-07T12:00Z (-12.0h, +12.0h) Prediction Method: Other (ips.gov.au) Prediction Method Note: SUBJ: IPS DAILY SOLAR AND GEOPHYSICAL REPORT ISSUED AT 2330UT/05 JANUARY 2014 BY IPS RADIO AND SPACE SERVICES FROM THE AUSTRALIAN SPACE FORECAST CENTRE SUMMARY FOR 05 JANUARY AND FORECAST FOR 06 JANUARY - 08 JANUARY STATUS INDICATORS SOL:** YELLOW ** MAG:GREEN ION: GREEN ----------------------------------------------------------- 1A. SOLAR SUMMARY Activity 05 Jan: Moderate Flares Max Fadeout Freq. Sectors M1/-- 04/2252UT observed lower East Pacific/ North American Observed 10.7 cm flux/Equivalent Sunspot Number for 05 Jan: 218/168 1B. SOLAR FORECAST 06 Jan 07 Jan 08 Jan Activity Moderate Moderate Moderate Fadeouts Possible Possible Possible 10.7cm/SSN 220/170 220/170 215/165 COMMENT: Low levels of solar activity were observed today. Several C-class flares were observed, the largest being a C6.6 flare from region 1944 (S10E29) that peaked at 1518UT. Yesterday's late flare, that could not be included in yesterday's report, was an M1.9 flare from region 1936(15W90) at 2252UT. The CME associated with the M4 flare (4 Jan/1946) seems to be having a geoeffective component. A glancing blow may be observed on 7 January due to this event. As anticipated, the solar wind stream showed further weakening as the coronal hole moves out of geoeffective location. The solar wind speed gradually decreased from 460 to 400 km/s over the UT day today. The Bz component of IMF mostly varied between +/-4 nT during this time. Moderate levels of solar activity may be expected for the next 3 days with some possibility of isolated X-class activity. ----------------------------------------------------------- 2A. MAGNETIC SUMMARY Geomagnetic field for Australian Region 05 Jan: Quiet Estimated Indices 05 Jan : A K Australian Region 4 22211101 Darwin 3 22101102 Townsville 4 22211101 Learmonth 4 22211101 Alice Springs 2 22100101 Culgoora 3 12211101 Gingin 4 32201001 Camden 4 2221111- Canberra 1 12100000 Launceston 5 22221102 Hobart 4 22211101 Estimated Antarctic Regional K Indices 05 Jan : Macquarie Island 2 11210000 Casey 17 45432112 Mawson 13 34324212 Davis 11 23334211 Observed Regional daily pc3 Indices 05 Jan : Darwin 2 (Quiet) Townsville 0 (Quiet) Learmonth 0 (Quiet) Alice Springs 0 (Quiet) Gingin 0 (Quiet) Canberra 2 (Quiet) Pc3 pulsations are high frequency (10-45 second period) variations of the Earths magnetic field. Daily pc3-indices are the daily sum of 20 minute pc3-indices for that station and have been shown to be well correlated with rejection of high resolution aeromagnetic survey flight-line data. NOTE: Indices may have been generated from data obtained in cooperation with the following organisations: Geoscience Australia, University of Newcastle Space Physics Group, Australian Government Antarctic Division and International Center for Space Weather Science and Education, Japan. Estimated AFr/Ap Indices 05 Jan : A Fredericksburg 4 Planetary 5 Observed AFr/Ap Indices 04 Jan : A K Fredericksburg 6 Planetary 4 0002 2221 2B. MAGNETIC FORECAST Date Ap Conditions 06 Jan 4 Quiet 07 Jan 10 Unsettled to Active 08 Jan 8 Quiet to Unsettled COMMENT: Geomagnetic activity mostly stayed at Quiet levels today. Nearly similar conditions may be expected on 6 January. Activity may rise from Quiet to Active levels on 7 January and then decline to Unsettled to Quiet levels on 8 January. ----------------------------------------------------------- 3A. GLOBAL HF PROPAGATION SUMMARY Latitude Band Date Low Middle High 05 Jan Normal Normal Normal PCA Event : 10MeV Proton/PCA Event Began 29 12 2013 1905UT and is in progress 3B. GLOBAL HF PROPAGATION FORECAST Latitude Band Date Low Middle High 06 Jan Normal Normal Normal 07 Jan Normal Normal-fair Normal-fair 08 Jan Normal Normal Fair-normal COMMENT: Mostly normal HF conditions were observed over the last 24 hours on most locations. Periods of presence of sporadic E layers were also observed. HF conditions are expected to be mostly normal on 6 January. Minor degradations in HF conditions and MUF depressions may be observed on 7 January and early on 8 January due to an expected rise in geomagnetic activity levels during this period. Mostly normal HF conditions may be expected from the second half of 8 January. Short wave fadeouts may be possible from 6 to 8 January due to the potential of flaring activity on the sun. ----------------------------------------------------------- 4A. AUSTRALIAN REGION IONOSPHERIC SUMMARY Date T index 05 Jan 127 Observed Australian Regional MUFs Cocos Island Region: No data available during local day. No data available during local night. Niue Island Region: Near predicted monthly values during local day. No data available during local night. Northern Australian Region: Enhanced by 15% during local day. Enhanced by 25% during local night. Southern Australian and New Zealand Region: Near predicted monthly values during local day. Enhanced by 15% during local night. Antarctic Region (Casey/Scott Base/Davis/Mawson): Enhanced by 15% over the UT day. Monthly T index: Month T index Dec 130 Jan 73 Feb 71 4B. AUSTRALIAN REGION IONOSPHERIC FORECAST Date T index MUFs 06 Jan 135 Near to 20% above predicted monthly values 07 Jan 120 Near predicted monthly values 08 Jan 125 Near to 10% above predicted monthly values COMMENT: Mostly normal HF conditions were observed over the last 24 hours in the Aus/NZ region. Periods of presence of sporadic E layers were also observed. HF conditions are expected to be mostly normal on 6 January. Minor degradations in HF conditions and MUF depressions may be observed on 7 January and early on 8 January due to an expected rise in geomagnetic activity levels during this period. Mostly normal HF conditions may be expected from the second half of 8 January. Short wave fadeouts may be possible from 6 to 8 January due to the potential of flaring activity on the sun. ----------------------------------------------------------- 5. SPACE ENVIRONMENT SUMMARY GOES satellite data for 04 Jan Daily Proton Fluence >1 MeV: 6.6E+05 Daily Proton Fluence >10 MeV: 1.0E+04 Daily Electron Fluence >2 MeV: 3.70E+07 (normal fluence) Electron Fluence Daily Deep Dielectric Discharge Probability: 5% Fluence (flux accumulation over 24hrs)/ cm2-ster-day. X-ray background: C1.7 ACE Satellite Solar Wind Day Averaged Data for 04 Jan Speed: 505 km/sec Density: 2.4 p/cc Temp: 146000 K Bz: 0 nT (Courtesy Space Weather Prediction Center, Boulder USA) ACE data can be incorrect during strong proton events. -----------------------------------------------------------Lead Time: 38.93 hour(s) Difference: 2.43 hour(s) Prediction submitted by Leila Mays (GSFC) on 2014-01-05T23:30Z |
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